*NOTE: Please read to the bottom.
I want it now! Thank you Planned Parenthood for introducing me to this option through your website! It was hard to find, but VERY worth it. I'm so lucky to have found it, because people don't usually teach or tell anyone about these options, though everyone should know what their options are, and now I'll show it to you.
Permanent birth control! No incision! Office procedure!
For the second time, I must apologize for posting before more extensive research. After much scouring the web and such, I've read some awful horror stories on Essure and Adiana (and many success stories).
Most of these horror tales consist of a few more days of recovery needed than the website had promised, but some included unplanned pregnancies (Adiana), and migration of the copper coil (Essure). Other stories were a little worse, including abdominal pain and so on. Once, I read about painful sex, but the women had had another uteral or vaginal procedure done so Essure may have not been the reason, but then again, it might have.
So let this be a lesson to all, and me, do extensive research before jumping on board. All it takes is a few clicks on Google, and ta da! There it is.
Either way, I'm still considering both these options, because sometimes, the risk is worth it.
Hi there. I just had it done and I'm very happy with it. The thing to consider is there can be risks and complications with any procedure. I know of someone who had a tubal and had their tubes cut and burnt and somehow she still got pregnant years later so I don't think anything is 100%. Also, people are all different so what works for one may not work for another. I can say only from my experience that it was a simple procedure and within a day and a half I had no more cramping. So far so good. No side effects at all at the moment. Overall I'm pleased.